Faculty Board


Arash, Saeid (1988)


  • M.S. in Computer Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
  • B.A. in Computer Engineering, Shahed Universityy, Hardware Tehran, Iran
  • Habibollah Arasteh Rad, Saeed Arash, Farhad Rahbar, Ruhollah Rahmani, Zainabolhoda Heshmati and Maysam Mirzaee Fard. A Novel Unsupervised
    Classification Method for Customs Fraud Detection. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 8(35),DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2015/v8i35/87306, December (2015)
  • Habibollah Arasteh Rad , Farhad Rahbar , Saeed Arash , Masood Karbasian, Rohollah Rahmani, Zanabolhoda Heshmati, Mohammad Ali Tavallaie.
    ICCS: A Novel Optimized Model For Improving E­Customs Performance. Intenational Journal of Academic Research. Vol.7. No.4. July, (2015)
  • Modeling of Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Using Sensor Data Fusion Theory, (2012)
  • Investigation And Analysis of Power Consuming Reduction Approaches Using Binary Decision Diagram (BDD) (2010)


  • Comprehensive customs system
    For: Iranian Customs Administration
  • International Trade Single Windows
    For: Iranian Customs Administration
  • Risk Management System
    For: Iranian Customs Administration
  • Merchants Tax system
    For: Tax Affairs Organization
  • Accounting System
    For: National oil company
  • Warehousing system
    For: Iranian Customs Administration
  • Data Exchange with Neighboring Countries
    For: Iranian Customs Administration
  • SSO
    For: iranian customs administration