Electronic Government

Electronic Government

Electronic Government Interoperability Framework Research Center started its activity as the first research center in the institute. Solving the country’s economic problems by using the world’s latest technologies was defined as the mission of this center. The problem-oriented project of upgrading customs systems with the aim of supporting production with the local industrial strategy approach has been one of the successful projects of this center.

By developing the comprehensive customs affairs system and cross-border trade unit window, this center was able to develop and launch more than 40 sub-systems in foreign trade.

With the above system and with the efforts of customs experts, as one of the results, duties collected increased from 6.5 billion in 1390 to 21 thousand billion in 1395 .Also, increasing the speed of import process from 30 days to 7 days and the speed of export operations from more than 10 days to less than 3 days are other results of this project.