
Drone Competitions

The student team of the Applied Smart Systems Research Institute is one of the successful teams in the national and international leagues in the field of drone competitions. Designing and building mission-oriented UAVs and winning numerous domestic and foreign titles in prestigious leagues are among the honors of this student research team.


International Competitions


Robocup Asia Pacific


Iran Open RoboCup


Robot Challenge

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List of Honors

2nd place in RoboCup Asia-Pacific international competitions, Iran, 2018

1st and 3rd place in RoobotChallenge, international competitions China, 2017

4th place in IMAV international competition. France, 2017

1st place in Iran Open international competitions. Iran, 2017

1st and 2nd place in Sheikh Bahai National Aerospace Competitions, Iran, 2016

1st and 2nd place in the National UAV Grand Prix Competition, Iran, 2016

2nd place in Khatam Anbiya camp competitions, Iran, 2015

2nd place in international competition of Sharif Cup